Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Patosha Training Journal 1

I recently started working out at an awesome facility in Memphis called CrossFit Memphis, I had been working out on my own, off and on, at the University of Memphis in the fitness center and track but I was not satisfied. I am a very intense person when it comes to weight and strength training and I needed something to complement that.

CrossFit was the answer. This place is not your typical gym and I just love it. It is considered a Garage Gym, one room that looks like a garage or just might be a garage, with equipment like kettlebells, pull up bars, boxing bags, sleds, rowing maching, olympic weight lifting equipment, medicine balls etc.

You tell me if this looks like a garage, check out these videoes:

I will periodically post my workouts and have video for you to see how intense these are. Here is what I worked on on Monday, May 12, 2008.

Warm-up - 3 Rounds
5 Overhead squats
5 Pull-ups
5 Dips
5 situps
5 Back Extensions

1000m Rowing
25 Double unders jump roping
750m Rowing
50 Double unders jump roping
500m Rowing
100 Double unders jump roping

This was a killer workout.. It took me about 40 minutes to complete this and unfortunately I only managed 50 double unders of the last 100 set.. however, I will tackle this workout...Stay Tuned...

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