Thursday, December 14, 2006

How to Prepare Yourself to Receive an Athletic Scholarship (Academically)

Preparing yourself to receive a scholarship is not hard, yet it requires a little work. It’s always easier to be prepared for the opportunity than having to rush when the opportunity occurs. When a college coach calls, the first thing they want to know is your academic status. Present yourself as an organized person who handles their business by having that information already together to provide to them. Below is how you can accomplish this.

1. Find out what core courses are required for your graduating class.

2. Register and take ACT test.

3. Meet with Guidance Counselor.
-Audit core courses you have taken and need to take
-Determine your current gpa of core courses

4. Evaluate what score you need to make on ACT in comparison to your core courses gpa. Reference:

5. Register for NCAA Clearinghouse.

When to start working on these steps? Well, I will tell you when not to start---Your Senior Year. At that time, it may be too late. You want to position yourself to accept a scholarship from a school you actually want to attend.

A lot of this information is available in the Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete. If you would like a copy, email me at

Exceeding in Academics and Athletics,


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