Monday, January 26, 2009

Dealing with Doubt

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip Patosha. I had a little trouble believing in myself this year. it may have something to do with my being a Freshman starting on the Varsity team, but when i messed up i would stay on myself to never make the same mental mistake twice then i would mess up agin and just get my head down. Twice this season, my coach has called time- outs just to offer his support and to tell me he believed in me. he said that there was a reason he brought me up to start for him. he keeps telling me to believe in myself first, and that the rest will come. i really enjoy all of your tips and i have recently taken on the challenge of becoming a pure shooter.I know that i still have most of my career ahead of me and i try to keep my head up about that and keep improving. I am going to again play on a traveling team this summer and play in AAU tournaments.. Thanks again!!!

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