Tuesday, December 25, 2007

How to Shoot a Basketball

I have been working on this ebook for a few months now. To be honest, what motivated me to go ahead an finish the book is the fact that my grandmother is sick.

My grandfather passed away from cancer in 2004. And we just found out that my grandmother has lung cancer. They both know how much I love the game of basketball and I would like to dedicate this ebook to the both of them.

I take you step-by-step the proper way to shoot a basketball. I use 14 pictures to demonstrate the correct positioning of the hand, arm, shoulders and feet. Plus, gives you the secret to being a great shooter.

The techniques in this book are what I used to average over 20 points a game during my junior and high school playing days. And its what I teach to all my players and campers. Get your copy at http://www.patoshajeffery.com/pureshooter.htm

Making it Happen in 2007

===>How to Become a Pure Shooter

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